Thursday, September 22, 2011

Malaika For Life

We are so blessed to live in a country with clean water, food, and medical services. Unfortunately, we easily forget about the many countries that need our help….

Every 30 seconds a child dies from Malaria.

Malaika For Life is “a grassroots movement to stop malaria, save lives, and support communities with one simple gesture- buy a bracelet, save a life”.  Malaika means angel in Swahili, and these angels have helped treat over 25,000 Tanzanians in the past 2 years.

The women of Tanzania have hand crafted these beautiful bracelets that symbolize the life you can save from malaria. By wearing this bracelet you are a voice for their movement.

Become a part of the movement @ MALAIKAforLIFE.ORG

Wearing my Malaika for life bracelet in China while covering The World University Games for Fox College Sports.

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