Friday, March 2, 2012

Learning to Grow & Let Go

Change has been a fear of mine since I was little kid. However, this year it's been my mission to face my fears, let go & learn to grow.  Change is inevitable in this life, but how you approach change will build your character and help you grow. 

This morning my mom handed me the Friday March 2nd Daily Word with a smile on her face, and this is what it said...

"If we were never challenged to adjust to new conditions and new people, we would not grow. It is growth that gives life zest and meaning.
When I am confronted with change, I stop and look back over my life. I see every change has brought me new knowledge. Every change has given me confidence and new perspective.
I have no reason to be hesitant or fearful about my current situation. So I approach change with my mind and heart open to receive the new knowledge, the new confidence and the new vision it will bring.
Free of resistance, I welcome change as an opportunity for growth and development, and my life is enriched."

Today I start my out with the old, and in with the new attitude.
  As I embark on this new life adventure, I will be welcoming change with an open heart and mind. 

I learn to grow in every experience

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